Nuclear throne together how many players
Nuclear throne together how many players

nuclear throne together how many players

Instead, Nuclear Throne prefers to focus almost entirely on the shooting action. It’s very different from something like Spelunky in that there’s zero traps, shops or other random features that the roguelike genre has popularised. Aside from the odd bit of scenery – such as a bleached set of bones, or an exploding barrel - the levels are otherwise empty apart from the various monsters populating them the closest Nuclear Throne comes to an environmental hazard are the wrecked cars in the ice area that will explode if hit which too much fire. Aside from being broadly contiguous so that the player can explore them their layout doesn’t make much logical sense – but then it doesn’t have to unlike most roguelikes there’s no static exit and the goal of each level is simply to kill all enemies present, at which point a dimensional portal will open up to zap you into the next level. Nuclear Throne’s levels are basic top-down procedurally generated affairs. After picking one of these characters you’re immediately chucked into the first Desert level with just a revolver for backup. Each character has both a passive and an active special ability, the latter of which is invoked using the right mouse button, but to begin with you’ll have just three available: Fish, who gets more ammo from ammo pickups and whose active ability is a roll move that boosts his movement speed Crystal, who has more health and can activate a shield that’ll make her immobile but which will reflect all bullets back at her attackers for a few seconds and Eyes, who can see in the dark and has telekinetic powers that draw items (and enemies) towards him.

nuclear throne together how many players

Start a new run and you’ll be taken to a character select screen with the various characters/mutants you’ve unlocked sitting around a campfire. The roguelike elements of Nuclear Throne come to the fore in its metagame. To me this meant the game actually came off as an updated Cannon Fodder crossed with a roguelike, which is no bad thing since those are both things I really really like when they’re done well.


Where you point the mouse cursor is where your little mutant will shoot the bullets (or lasers, or crossbow bolts, or shells, or rockets) regardless of which direction he (or she, or it) happens to be moving in at the time, and the only inaccuracy involved is that built into the weapons themselves – plus your own kludgey hand-eye coordination, of course.


However I played it on PC with a mouse (controlling aiming) and keyboard (controlling movement with WSAD), and it’s in this mode that Nuclear Throne really shines.

nuclear throne together how many players

It’s decent enough in this role I don’t think a thumbstick is quite precise enough for the weapons involved, but it certainly doesn’t strike me as broken or deficient in any way. I described it as a roguelike crossed with a twin-stick shooter, and if you have a gamepad (or if you buy it on console) you can play Nuclear Throne that way if it catches your fancy. The Early Access period has done Nuclear Throne a world of good and it’s come out of it with core mechanics that are just as sharp and polished as anything else in the genre that I can think of. It has the same basic not-entirely-intentional retro look as the rest of their output because it’s been made in Gamemaker however so was the original Spelunky, and just like Spelunky its cheap n’ cheerful looks conceal a shockingly well-tuned and downright fun game. Nuclear Throne has been made by established indie developers Vlambeer (who were responsible for the very-okay shooter Luftrausers, as well as other games that I haven’t played), and it just got released last month after a year in Early Access. I find the recent glut of roguelikes (or games with roguelike elements) a little tiresome, especially since playing a bad roguelike is one of the most painful gaming experiences you can possibly imagine, but I do enjoy the good ones. Nuclear Throne is yet another entrant into the increasingly-crowded roguelike 1 genre, this time with the twist that it’s been spliced together with a twin-stick shooter.

Nuclear throne together how many players